To understand my work, it can be helpful to understand my beliefs and theoretical definitions that contribute to my perspective reflected on this site. My work as a designer and abstract intersect and centers around my endless fascination, curiosity, and reverence for the shared experience we have as humans here on earth.


My Values

  1. People - all individuals deserve respect, dignity, and worth. We are connected beings, each one with their own unique mark, which when working together provides a greater contribution as a whole.

  2. Beauty - to appreciate the small, little pauses of wonder in our everyday.

  3. Mindfulness - to be intentional with our actions, our words, our art, what we put out into the world matters.

  4. Nature - we are more interconnected than we think once we step outside of our own narrow perspectives.

Personal Guiding Beliefs

  1. Creativity is an innate human expression and God-given ability. The source of Creation is God. We create within the divine framework established around us. And the more tap into our creative essence, the more we understand who we are and where we come from.

  2. Minds are a source of endless fascination, an intersection of ideas, and the very fiber of our creativity.

  3. Design is an act of kindness and compassion. Someone took the time to notice and create a solution for your needs.

  4. Truth takes courage and often exploration into the unknown.

My Definitions

Art – Begs the audience to explore a question, idea, or concept. An introspective, spiritual discipline and practice, through a surrendering process to the medium and palette.

Science – Sets out to understand a big problem space through gain of more information through a trial and error process.

Design – Seeks to solve human problem through understanding of mental models and behavioral patterns. Design has form, function as well as intent, purpose in order to change behaviors or beliefs.

Technology - Allows for a continuous feedback loop, giving rise for ample touch points with consumers and opportunity spaces to make human lives better, easier and more joyful.

Innovation- Applied creativity to capture new business opportunities.

Strategic Design- An evolving field that borrows from of a myriad of fields such as social science, anthropology, psychology, experience design, systems thinking, innovation strategy, foresight/futures and change management.